Revolutionizing how families engage with screens

The Mindfuls Tablet & Parent App

The Challenge

The local start up Mindfuls LLC came to me with an idea. They wanted to disrupt the market with a tablet and app designed to not only align perfectly with stages of child development, but also ensure a safe, education first approach that parents could feel confident about. When they first approached me, this was all still conceptual. The team needed everything from branding to app design.



Using not only design skills but also project management I was able to help them build their business from the ground up. Starting with a solid brand, we tackled each set of projects with a holistic view. With early childhood education specialist on our team, each decision was rooted in understanding that the imagery and user experience must support the specific stages of learning. Everything down to the navigation - which used the bedrocks of a balanced childhood (allowing the child to think from an action first standpoint, instead of content driven interaction which has a tendency to diminish mindful intention)


Successful integration

The tablet and app development went smoothly, ultimately ending in a seamless prototype set to challenge the status quo. Parents would now have at their fingertips, not only the information and control of their child’s digital use, but also informative suggestions to help foster connection with their child.

Top Experts

Leading experts in the education community backed the start up despite their previous work against technology and child development. They were ready to back this project with their reputation and work because of their belief that this company was capable of disrupting the market in a healthy way.

Proof of concept

Although the Mindfuls LLC ended up closing the company prior to hitting the market, the concept, design and development was solid. The entire team at Mindfuls felt the success of the tiny idea that had the potential to mix up the scene for families and the way they use and trust technology in their home.


“It allows you to hold their hands for their first dips into the rushing waters of technology. See what sparks their interests. Encourage—or discourage—particular activities. ”

- Ruthie Matinko-Wald 



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