UX Design Process

UX design has power because it is design with proof, design with data to back it up. Decisions aren’t just made, they are researched, tested, validated. This process takes us from ideas, to successful products. While every design project may differ in its specifics, the general starting point for most of my projects starts with some version of the double diamond approach.


Double Diamond Approach

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double diamond approach mobile.jpg


The objective of this stage is to identify and contextualize the actual problem or opportunity.

  • Stakeholder interviews

  • Market research

  • Heuristic evaluation

  • Existing product analysis

  • Qualitative analysis (usability testing, heatmaps, focus groups, diary studies, session recording, user feedback)

  • Quantitative analysis (web analytics, form analytics, A/B testing, click testing)



The definition stage consists of filtering through all the information from stage one and elaborating on it to make sense of the problems or opportunities. 

  • Affinity Mapping

  • Personas

  • Archetypes

  • Feature ideation & prioritization



This stage is the start of the design phase, the actual making of the solution to the problem defined in stages one and two.

  • Sitemap

  • User flow

  • Wireframe

  • Low fidelity prototype



This final stage of the process is validating the design, making final changes, applying branding, and preparing the product/solution for development.  

  • Usability testing

  • Synthesis

  • Ideation

  • High fidelity prototype

  • Asset creation