All genders must participate in change for equality to succeed
Adult men around the world aren’t connecting with messages feminism has to offer on equality, forcing Women and non-binary people to bear the burden of correcting centuries of disparities. With rising awareness on the effects of discrimination socially, politically and economically, it is important (now more than ever) that all people not only participate in efforts to realize a more equal future, but also feel empowered with the knowledge of their individual benefit from this ideal.
In an attempt to curb this confusion early on, I created this children’s book to help bring participation and conversation to little ones and their families.
It was obvious that a key way to get individuals excited about the idea of equality was to bring light to how they might personally benefit from change. Assessing the areas in which men experienced inequality due to their gender, I was able to come up with key examples of ways boys could be more supported by our culture - their interests (no matter how “feminine”), their emotional expression, and their diversity of friendships.
Personal Growth
Creating this book afforded me the opportunity to connect with many individuals and companies that are working toward social change: parents, kids, influencers, publications, news outlets, and more. I did interviews on tv, radio, and podcasts as well as visited schools to discuss equality, equity, and feminism. This project was one of the first times I took a risk with an idea (publishing a children’s book) in which I had no previous experience. Seeing its success has grown my confidence in my own ability to create traction and change using my unique skills. Through this project, I was connected to Aydian Dowling, a connection that grew into a business partnership for the TRACE app.
7+ Countries
Not only has the book been sold in the US, but it’s also being sold around the world - including in Australia, the UK, India, and many countries within Europe.
1,500+ sold
Not even a year into the launch of the book, over 1,000 copies of the Feminism is for Boys book sold (a record number for a first-time author).
Media coverage
The book has been positively featured on media such as OPB’s Think Out Loud, AM Northwest, Katu News, and the Wacom Blog.